1. Boyd, W. J. R. (1960, 1961) Personal communications
2. Buller, A. H. R. (1919) Essays on wheat. Chapter III. The discovery and introduction of Marquis wheat: 144–258. New York, Macmillan
3. Caldwell, R. M. & L. E. Compton (1938) Inheritance of a lethal seedling character in a common and a durum wheat.Ann. Rep. Indiana Agric. Exp. Station: 38, 42
4. Caldwell, R. M. &L. E. Compton (1943) Complementary lethal genes in wheat causing a progressive lethal necrosis of seedlings.Jour. of Heredity 34: 66–70
5. Dekaprelevich, L. L. (1930) On the obtaining of non-viable and partially viable combinations in wheat crosses.Proc. U.S.S.R. Congr. Genet., Plant-and Animal Breeding II: 221–227 (in Russian)