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3. Y. BOCK, R.I. ABBOT, C.C. COUNSELMAN III, S.A. GOUREVITCH and R.W. KING: Establishment of Three-Dimensional Geodetic Control by Interferometry with the Global Positioning System, Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, pp. 7689–7703, 1985.
4. Y. BOCK, S.A. GOUREVITCH, C.C. COUNSELMAN III, R.W. KING and R.I. ABBOT Interferometric Analysis of GPS Phase Observations. Manuscripta Geodaetica, 11, pp. 282–288, 1986a.
5. Y. BOCK, R.I. ABBOT, C.C. COUNSELMAN III, and R.W. KING: A demonstration of 1–2 Parts in 107 Accuracy using GPS. Bulletin Géodésique, 60, pp. 241–254, 1986b.