1. The tripartite system's rise and fall, and the public examination system are described more fully in Griffiths, H.B. and Howson, A.G. Mathematics: Society and Curricula, Cambridge U.P., 1974.
2. The Teaching of Mathematics in Primary Schools, Bell, 1956.
3. The Jeffery Report: School Certificate Mathematics, Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, 1944. See also ?Possible Changes in the Mathematical Syllabus for the School Certificate Examination? Math. Gazette, 28 (1944), 125?143.
4. ?The Place of Mathematics in Secondary (Modern) Schools? Math. Gazette, 30 (1946), 250?271.
5. A report Mathematics in Secondary Modern Schools (Bell) was published in 1959. In an attempt to reach more teachers the Mathematical Association in 1971 established a second periodical, Mathematics in School (Longman).