1. Full publication details of governmental reports, projects and other books mentioned in the text but not included in this list of references can be found by consulting the Copac website, http://copac.ac.uk/ , which lists all the books contained in the United Kingdom’s leading academic libraries. Descriptions of projects such as LAMP can be found on the Internet and Howson (1982) gives numerous references relating to the history of mathematics education in England.
2. Board of Education. 1912. Special reports on educational subjects (2 vols.). London: HMSO.
3. Breakell, J. n.d. An analysis of mathematics textbooks and reference books in use in primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in the 1960s. http://faculty.ed.uiuc.edu/westbury/paradigm/breakell.pdf
4. Brock, W.H. and M.H. Price. 1980. Squared paper in the nineteenth century. Educational Studies in Mathematics 11, 365–381
5. Chrystal, G. 1886. Algebra: An elementary text-book for the higher classes of secondary schools and for colleges. Part 1. London/Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black.