1. R. P. Smith, “The Diffusivity of Carbon in Iron by the Steady-State Method, ” Acta Met.
1, 578 (1953).
2. H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed., pp. 188–193 (Oxford University Press, London, 1959).
3. W. G. Oldham, “The Fabrication of Microelectronic Circuits, ” Scientific American
237, pp. 110–128 (September 1977). [That whole issue is devoted to microelectronics. The reader can gauge the accelerating pace of technological change, since then by consulting the October 1986, February 1990, and June 1993 issues of Physics Today.]
4. B. E. Deal and A. S. Grove, “General Relationship for the Thermal Oxidation of Silicon, ” J. Appl. Phys.
36, 3770 (1965).
5. E. Rosencher, A. Straboni, S. Rigo, and G. Amsel, “An 18O Study of the Thermal Oxidation of Silicon in Oxygen, ” Appl. Phys. Lett.
34, 254 (1979).