1. I. Beer, S. Ben-David, C. Eisner, Y. Engel, R. Gewirtzman, and A. Landver, “Establishing PCI Compliance using Formal Verification: a Case Study”, Intl. Phoenix Conf. on Comp. and Comm. 1995.
2. I. Beer, S. Ben-David, C. Eisner and A. Landver, “RuleBase: An Industry-Oriented Formal Verification Tool”, Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference, DAC'96.
3. I. Beer, S. Ben-David, C. Eisner and Y. Rodeh, “Efficient Detection of Vacuity in ACTL Formulas”, this issue.
4. J. Burch, E. Clark and D. Long, “Representing Circuits More Efficiently in Symbolic Model Checking”, DAC'91, pp. 403–407.
5. E. Clarke and E.A. Emerson, “Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons using Branching Time Temporal Logic”, in proc. Workshop on Logics of Programs, LNCS 131, pp. 52–71, 1981.