1. T. Adachi, A Categorical Characterization of Lambda-Calculus Models, Research Report C-49, Department of Information Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology (1983).
2. G. Berry, Some Syntactic and Categorical Constructions of Lambda-calculus models, Rapport INRIA 80 (1981).
3. G. Berry, Modèles Complètement Adéquats et Stables des Lambda-calculus typés, Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris VII (Mars 1979).
4. R. Burstall, J. Goguen, Introducing Institutions, SRI International and University of Edinburgh (1983).
5. G. Cousineau, P-L. Curien, M. Mauny, The Categorical Abstract Machine, Rapport LITP 85-8, Université Paris VII (January 1985).