1. H.P. BARENDREGT, "The Type-free Lambda-Calculus", Handbook of Mathematical Logic, North-Holland, 1977, pp. 1091–1132.
2. G. BERRY, "Stable Models of Typed Lambda-Calculi", Proc. 5th Int. Coll. "Automata, Languages and Programming", Udine, Italy, 1978. Springer-Verlag LNCS n. 62, pp. 72–90.
3. G.BERRY, "Modèles Complètement Adéquats et Stables des Lambda-Calculs Typés", Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris VII, march 1979.
4. G. BERRY, P.L. CURIEN, "Sequential Algorithms on Concrete Data Structures", submitted to publication, nov. 1979.
5. G. BERRY, "Some Syntactic and Categorical Constructions of Lambda Calculus Models", INRIA report to appear.