1. G. Berry, P.L. Curien, The Kernel of the Applicative Language CDS: Theory and Practice, Proc. French-US Seminar on the Applications of Algebra to Language Definition and Compilation, Fontainebleau (Juin 1982), Cambridge University Press (1984).
2. N.G. De Bruijn, Lambda-calculus Notation with Maeless Dummies, a Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation, Indag Math. 34, 381–392 (1972).
3. L. Cardelli. ML under Unix, Polymorphism, Vol. I,3 (Dec. 1983).
4. L. Cardelli, Compiling a Functional Language, Proc. ACM Conf. on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin (1984).
5. L. Cardelli, The Amber Machine, to appear.