1. Burenkov VI, Kopelevich OV, Sheberstov SV, Ershova SV, Evdoshenko MA (1999) Bio-optical characteristics of the Aegean Sea retrieved from satellite ocean color data. In: Malanotte-Rizzoli P., Eremeev VN (eds) The Eastern Mediterranean as a Laboratory Basin for the Assessment of Contrasting Eco-systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, pp 313-326
2. Burenkov VI, Kopelevich OV, Sheberstov SV, Vedernikov VI (2000) Sea-truth measurements of ocean color: Validation of the SeaWiFS satellite scanner data. Oceanology 40: 329-334 (translated from Okeanologiya 40: 357-362)
3. Burenkov VI, Vedernikov VI, Ershova SV, Kopelevich OV, Sheberstov SV (2001a) Use of data from satellite ocean color scanner SeaWiFS for assessment of bio-optical characteristics of the Barents Sea. Oceanology 41: 461-468 (translated from Okeanologiya 41: 485-492)
4. Burenkov VI., Ershova SV., Kopelevich OV., Sheberstov SV., Shevchenko VP (2001b) An estimate of the distribution of suspended matter in the Barents Sea waters on the basis of the SeaWiFS satellite ocean color scanner. Oceanology 41: 622-628 (translated from Okeanologiya 41: 653-659)
5. Burenkov VI, Vazyulya SV, Kopelevich OV, Sheberstov SV (2004) Spatio-temporal Variability of the Suspended Matter Distribution in the Surface Layer of the White Sea from the Data of the SeaWiFS Satellite Color Scanner. Oceanology 44: 461-468 (translated from Okeanologiya 44: 507-515)