1. J. Bourgain, J. Lindenstrauss and V. Milman, Approximation of zonoids by zonotopes, Preprint I.H.E.S., September 1987, 62pp.
2. J. Bourgain and V.D. Milman, Sections euclidiennes et volume des corps symetriques convexes dans IR
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3. W. Blaschke, Vorlesungen über Differentialgeometrie II, Springer, Berlin, 1923.
4. C. Borell, The Brunn-Minsowski inequality in Gauss spaces, Inventiones Math. 30 (1975), 207–216.
5. H. Buseman, Volume in terms of concurrent cross sections, Pacific J. Math. 3 (1953), 1–12.