1. G. Lammel, “New micromachining technologies using porous silicon”, Ph.D. thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Microsystems (IMS), 2001.
2. G Lammel, S. Schweizer and Ph. Renaud, “Two mask tunable optical filter of porous silicon as microspectrometer”, Eurosensors XIV, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 325–328, 2000, accepted for Sensors & Actuators A.
3. G Lammel, Ph. Renaud, “Free-standing, mobile 3D porous silicon microstructures”, Sensors & Actuators A, Vol. 85, pp. 356–360, 2000.
4. G. Lammel, European patent application 99117852.6, 1999; PCT/EP 00/08655, 2000.
5. S. Schweizer, S. Calmes, M. Laudon and Ph. Renaud, “Thermally actuated optical microscanner with large angle and low consumption”, Sensors & Actuators A, Vol. 76, pp. 470–477, 1999.