1. S. Bose, and A. L. Fisher, “Verifying pipelined hardware using symbolic logic simulation,” International Conference on Computer Design, IEEE, 1989.
2. R. E. Bryant, “Symbolic verification of MOS circuits,” 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on VLSI, 1985, 419–438.
3. R. E. Bryant, “Can a simulator verify a circuit?”, in Formal Aspects of VLSI Design, G. J. Milne, and P. A. Subrahmanyam, eds., North-Holland, 1986, 125–126.
4. R. E. Bryant, “Graph-based algorithms for Boolean function manipulation”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-35, No. 8 (August, 1986), 677–691.
5. R. E. Bryant, D. Beatty, K. Brace, K. Cho, and T. Sheffler, “COSMOS: a compiled simulator for MOS circuits,” 24th Design Automation Conference, 1987, 9–16.