1. K. H. Behrndt, Preparation of Thin Films, Trans. ASM Thin Film Seminar, 1963, ASM, Metals Park, Ohio, pl. 1964.
2. A. A. Arcus, Emission Spectrographic Analyses of Thin Films and Residues, paper presented at the International Conference on Spectroscopy, University of Maryland, June 1962.
3. J. D. Nohe, Emission Spectrographic Analyses of Tantalum Thin Films, Appl. Spectr. 21, 364 (1967).
4. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Hodgman, C. D., ed., Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1960–61, 42nd Ed., pp. 666–667.
5. L. D. Frederickson, Jr. and L. Smith, Anal. Chem.
23, 742–744 (1951).