1. Thomas V. Bonoma, and Wesley J. Johnston (1978), “The Social Psychology Of industrial Buying And Selling,” Industrial Marketing Management 17, 213–224
2. Hugh Buckner (1967), How British Industry Buys, Hutchinson and Co., London
3. J. R. Cooley (1976), “An Analysis Of Relative Power Among Participants In The Purchase of Industrial Components,” (unpublished D.B.A. dissertation, Arizona State University)
4. James Cooley, Donald W. Jackson, and Lonnie L. Ostrom (1977), “Analyzing The Relative Power Of Participants In Industrial Buying Decisions,” in Contemporary Marketing Thought - Educator’s Proceedings Ser. 41, Greenberg, B.A. and Bellenger D.N., Eds. American Marketing Association, Chicago, 243–246.
5. Peter Doyle, Arch Woodside, and Paul Michell (1979) "Organizations Buying In New Task And Rebuy Situations,” Industrial Marketing Management 8, 7–11