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2. Appelbaum, P. (2009b). Taking action—Mathematics curricular organization for effective teaching and learning. For the Learning of Mathematics, 29(2), 38–43.
3. Appelbaum, P. (2012). Mathematical practice as sculpture of utopia: Models, ignorance, and the emancipated spectator. For the Learning of Mathematics, 32(2), 14–19.
4. Appelbaum, P. (2017). Disordered order, ordered disorder: Threads, folds and artistic action. In H. Straehler-Pohl, A. Pais, & N. Bohlman (Eds.), The disorder of mathematics education (pp. 273–290). Switzerland: Springer.
5. Appelbaum, P. (undated). Youth mathematician laureate project. http://yomap.org . Last visited April 30, 2017.