1. Waguih, D.A., Berti-Équille, L.: Truth discovery algorithms: an experimental evaluation. CoRR, abs/1409.6428, September 2014
2. Ba, M.L., Berti-Equille, L., Shah, K., Hammady, H.M.: VERA: a platform for veracity estimation over web data. In: WWW (2016)
3. Ba, M.L., Horincar, R., Senellart, P., Wu, H.: Truth finding with attribute partitioning. In: WebDB SIGMOD Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, May 2015
4. Berti-Equille, L.: Data veracity estimation with ensembling truth discovery methods. In: IEEE Big Data Workshop (2015)
5. Berti-Equille, L., Borge-Holthoefer, J.: Veracity of Big Data: From Truth Discovery Computation Algorithms to Models of Misinformation Dynamics. Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael (2015)