1. Barkai-Golan, Rivka (1958) Survey on diseases of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants in storage. Rep. Agric. Res. Stn., Rehovot, Israel 239 (Hebrew, with English summary).
2. Barkai-Golan, Rivka (1962a) A preliminary survey on aplle rots in storage. Prelim. Rep. Nat. Univ. Inst. Agric., Rehovot, Israel 367 (in Hebrew).
3. Barkai-Golan, Rivka (1962b) Survey on rotting of grapes in storage. Prelim. Rep. Nat. Inst. Agric., Rehovot, Israel 395 (in Hebrew).
4. Barkai-Golan, Rivka, R. Kenneth & S. Ben-Yehoshua (1970) Survey of Strawberry diseases in storage. Prelim. Rep. Nat. Univ. Inst. Agric., Rehovot, Israel 667 (Hebrew, with English summary).
5. Kulik, M. M. (1968) A compilation of description of new Penicillium species. Handbk U.S. Dep. Agric. 351.