1. J.F. Ready:Effects of High-Power Laser Radiation (Academic Press, New York 1971)
2. J.P. Carstens, L.L. Whitney: ?Industrial Applications of High-Power Lasers?. United Technologies Research Center, (Connecticut), report January 1980
3. E. Rimini (ed.):Laser Effects in Ion Implanted Semiconductors (Universit� di Catania) 1978 (unpublished)
4. S.D. Ferris, H.J. Leamy, J.M. Poate (ed.):Laser-Solid Interactions and Laser processing (American Institute of Physics, New York 1979) No. 50
5. C.W. White, P.S. Peercy (ed.):Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials (Academic Press, New York 1980)