1. Parker, D. (1978)Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology. SRI International, Menlo Park, California,
2. There was a follow-up study some years later that remedied some of the problems discovered in the original methodology. See Parker, D., Swope S., and Baker, B., (1990)Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Technology, and Business, QED Information Sciences, Inc., Wellesley, MA.
3. Parker, D. (1976)Crime by Computer, Charles Scribners Sons.
4. Gotterbarn, D. (1991) The use and abuse of computer ethics. In: Bynum, T., Maner, W. and Fodor, J., Eds.,Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on Computing and Society, New Haven, CT, p. 74.
5. Weiner, N. (1960) Some moral and technical consequences of automation.Science 131: 1355–1358.