1. B. Dewimille, J. Thoris, R. Mailfert andA. R. Brunsell, ?Advances in Composite Materials?, Vol. 1, edited by A. R. Bunsell, (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980) p. 597.
2. O. Ishai andU. Arnon,J. Test. Eval. 5 (1977) 320.
3. G. Marom andL. J. Broutman,Polym. Compos. 2 (1981) 132.
4. C. E. Browning,Polym. Eng. Sci. 18 (1978) 1, 16.
5. R. W. Lauver, 33rd Annual Technical Conference, Reinforced Plastics/Composites Institute, SPI, Paper 15-C, Washington, D.C., USA (Society of the Plastics Industries, New York, 1978).