1. ?The Effects of Moisture on the Properties of High Performance Epoxy Resins and Composites,? Technical Report AFML-TR-72-94, Air Force Materials Laboratory, W-PAFB, Ohio (1972).
2. ?Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Third Conference), ASTM STP 546,? p. 284, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974).
3. ?Investigation into the High-Temperature Strength Degradation of Fiber Reinforced Resin Composites During Ambient Aging,? NASA Report No, GDCA-DGB73-005, Contract No. NAS 8-27435 (1973).
4. and ?High-Temperature Strength Degradation of Composites During Aging in Ambient Atmosphere,? Sixth St. Louis Symposium on Composite Materials in Engineering Design (1972).
5. and ?Composite Materials: Testing and Design (Fourth Conference), ASTM STP 617,? American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976).