1 Stability analysis for postural control in a two-joint limb system
来源:IEEE T NEUR SYS REH( P 1534-4320 E ) 发表时间: 2002/12
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:5078.717560
2 A novel speech-processing strategy incorporating tonal information for cochlear implants
来源:IEEE T BIO-MED ENG( P 0018-9294 E 1558-2531 ) 发表时间: 2004/05
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:4923.609280
3 A Novel FES Strategy for Poststroke Rehabilitation Based on the Natural Organization of Neuromuscula..
来源:IEEE REV BIOMED ENG( P 1937-3333 E 1941-1189 ) 发表时间: 2019/01
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4 Next-Generation Prosthetic Hand: from Biomimetic to Biorealistic
来源:RESEARCH-CHINA( P 2096-5168 E 2639-5274 ) 发表时间: 2021/03
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5 Reflex regulation of antagonist muscles for control of joint equilibrium position
来源:IEEE T NEUR SYS REH( P 1534-4320 E 1558-0210 ) 发表时间: 2005/03
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6 Model-based sensorimotor integration for multi-joint control: Development of a virtual arm model
来源:ANN BIOMED ENG( P 0090-6964 E 1573-9686 ) 发表时间: 2008/06
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7 Synergy-Based FES for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation of Upper-Limb Motor Functions
来源:IEEE T NEUR SYS REH( P 1534-4320 E 1558-0210 ) 发表时间: 2019/02
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2549.845229
8 Restoring Finger-Specific Sensory Feedback for Transradial Amputees via Non-Invasive Evoked Tactile ..
来源:IEEE OPEN J ENG MED( P E 2644-1276 ) 发表时间: 2020/01
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9 Fusimotor control of spindle sensitivity regulates central and peripheral coding of joint angles
来源:FRONT COMPUT NEUROSC( P 1662-5188 E ) 发表时间: 2012/08
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2059.523093
10 Coordinated alpha and gamma control of muscles and spindles in movement and posture
来源:FRONT COMPUT NEUROSC( P E 1662-5188 ) 发表时间: 2015/10
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:2030.448214