1 Subthalamic nucleus stimulation for primary dystonia and tardive dystonia
来源:ACTA NEUROCHIR SUPPL( P 0065-1419 E ) 发表时间: 2007/01
类型:期刊论文,期刊论文图书章节 为本人加分:7266.442229
2 Deep-Brain Stimulation for Anorexia Nervosa
来源:WORLD NEUROSURG( P 1878-8750 E 1878-8769 ) 发表时间: 2013/09
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3 Subthalamus Deep Brain Stimulation for Primary Dystonia Patients: A Long-Term Follow-up Study
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4 microrna-149 inhibits proliferation and invasion of glioma cells via blockade of akt1 signaling
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5 Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens for treatment-refractory anorexia nervosa: A long-te..
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6 Long-term follow-up of bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation for refractory tardive dystonia
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7 Deep brain stimulation for Tourette's syndrome
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8 Neurosurgical treatment for addiction: lessons from an untold story in China and a path forward
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9 Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: 8 years of follow-up
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10 Bilateral Habenula deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: clinical findings and ..
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