1 Small-Scale Properties of Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection
来源:ANNU REV FLUID MECH( P 0066-4189 E ) 发表时间: 2010/01
类型:期刊论文,期刊论文图书章节 为本人加分:26393.796983
2 Current trends and future directions in turbulent thermal convection
来源:THEOR APPL MECH LETT( P 2095-0349 E ) 发表时间: 2013/01
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:17773.507395
3 Heat-flux measurement in high-Prandtl-number turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection
来源:PHYS REV LETT( P 0031-9007 E 1079-7114 ) 发表时间: 2002/02
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:11350.824830
4 Particle image velocimetry measurement of the velocity field in turbulent thermal convection
来源:PHYS REV E( P 1539-3755 E 1550-2376 ) 发表时间: 2003/12
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:10746.970503
5 Tuning heat transport via coherent structure manipulation: recent advances in thermal turbulence
来源:NATL SCI REV( P 2095-5138 E 2053-714X ) 发表时间: 2023/05
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:7051.170119
6 Plume statistics in thermal turbulence: Mixing of an active scalar
来源:PHYS REV LETT( P 0031-9007 E 1079-7114 ) 发表时间: 2002/10
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:6345.530746
7 Turbulent thermal convection with an obstructed sidewall
来源:PHYS REV LETT( P 0031-9007 E ) 发表时间: 1997/12
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:6207.707371
8 Turbulent flow in the bulk of Rayleigh-Benard convection: small-scale properties in a cubic cell
来源:J FLUID MECH( P 0022-1120 E 1469-7645 ) 发表时间: 2013/05
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:6074.123521
9 Prandtl number dependence of the viscous boundary layer and the Reynolds numbers in Rayleigh-Benard ..
来源:PHYS REV E( P 1539-3755 E 1550-2376 ) 发表时间: 2002/06
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:5978.256027
10 Turbulent thermal convection over rough plates with varying roughness geometries
来源:J FLUID MECH( P 0022-1120 E 1469-7645 ) 发表时间: 2017/08
类型:期刊论文 为本人加分:5840.123521