

Tang, Tian 四川大学被知名学者引用:69人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 赵铱民 中国 空军军医大学 2021中国工程院院士 Correlation between intraosseous thermal change and drilling impulse data during osteotomy within au..

2. 张英泽 中国 河北医科大学 中国工程院院士 Effects of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) on the differentiation potential of primary stem c..

3. 陈香美 中国 解放军总医院 中国工程院院士 ERK1/2 signaling mediated naringin-induced osteogenic differentiation of immortalized human periodon..

4. Fawad,Javed 美国 University of Rochester Artificial intelligence for treatment planning and soft tissue outcome prediction of orthognathic tr..

5. Kirchhofer, Daniel 美国 Genentech Incorporated Cystine-knot peptide inhibitors of HTRA1 bind to a cryptic pocket within the active site region

6. Kohji,Tashiro 日本 Toyota technology Institute Structure and Formation Mechanism of Iodine Complexes of Nylon Model Compounds as Revealed by X-ray ..

7. Chen, Sinn-wen 中国 台湾国立清华大学 Comparison between microporous and nanoporous orthodontic miniscrews An experimental study in rabbit..

8. 何通川 中国 重庆医科大学 Collagen type X expression and chondrocyte hypertrophic differentiation during OA and OS development

9. Vitaliy V,Khutoryanskiy 英国 University of Reading Advances in antimicrobial polymeric iodophors

10. VANRIETBERGEN,Bert 荷兰 EINDHOVEN University technology Micro finite element analysis of continuously loaded mini-implants - A micro-CT study in the rat tai..

11. Philip M,Preshaw 英国 University of Dundee Fluid flow-induced modulation of viability and osteodifferentiation of periodontal ligament stem cel..

12. Lorenz C,Hofbauer 德国 Dresden University of Technology Reduced Bone Regeneration in Rats With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a Result of Impaired Stromal Cell..

13. Kohji,Tashiro 日本 Toyota technology Institute Iodine-complex formation behavior of vinyl alcohol-vinyl acetate copolymers as studied by X-ray diff..

14. Caroline C. W,Klaver 荷兰 Erasmus University 10q26-The enigma in age-related macular degeneration

15. Michael,Ehrmann 德国 University of Duisburg Essen 10q26-The enigma in age-related macular degeneration

16. Kuijpers-Jagtman, Anne Marie 荷兰 Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen A novel pictorial smile chart: Reliability and validity

17. Willi,Jahnen-Dechent 德国 HELMHOLTZ Institute BIOMED Engineering Comparative analysis of proliferative and multilineage differentiation potential of human periodonta..

18. Juan L,Iovanna 法国 Aix Marseille University Nupr1 deficiency downregulates HtrA1, enhances SMAD1 signaling, and suppresses age-related bone loss..

19. Komori, Toshihisa 日本 NAGASAKI University Nupr1 deficiency downregulates HtrA1, enhances SMAD1 signaling, and suppresses age-related bone loss..

20. Till,Opatz 德国 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Oxygen-Releasing Hyaluronic Acid-Based Dispersion with Controlled Oxygen Delivery for Enhanced Perio..








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