

Alberto Souza,de Sa Filho University of Federal RIO DE JANEIRO被知名学者引用:69人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. Culpepper, Larry 美国 Boston University School of Medicine 1998美国医学院院士 Can Yoga or Physical Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain Improve Depression and Anxiety Among Adults F..

2. 苏国辉 中国 暨南大学 中国科学院院士 Neuromodulation-Based Stem Cell Therapy in Brain Repair: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

3. Jeste, Dilip V. 美国 University of California, San Diego 2006美国医学院院士 Clinical Correlates of Insulin Resistance in Chronic Schizophrenia: Relationship to Negative Symptom..

4. Rossi, Alessandro 意大利 University of Aquila One-year efficacy of a lifestyle behavioural intervention on physical and mental health in people wi..

5. Liliana,Dell'Osso 意大利 University of Pisa One-year efficacy of a lifestyle behavioural intervention on physical and mental health in people wi..

6. Eduard,Vieta 西班牙 University of Barcelona Efficacy of Functional Remediation on Cognitive and Psychosocial Functioning in Patients with Bipola..

7. Antonio,Vita 意大利 University of Brescia Efficacy of Functional Remediation on Cognitive and Psychosocial Functioning in Patients with Bipola..

8. John F,Cryan 爱尔兰 University College Cork Inflammation, Lifestyle Factors, and the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: Relevance to Depression and Anti..

9. Gerard,Clarke 爱尔兰 University College Cork Inflammation, Lifestyle Factors, and the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis: Relevance to Depression and Anti..

10. Gereon R,Fink 德国 University of Cologne To engage or not engage: Early incentive motivation prevents symptoms of chronic post-stroke depress..

11. Grefkes, Christian 德国 University Hospital Cologne To engage or not engage: Early incentive motivation prevents symptoms of chronic post-stroke depress..

12. Brendon,Stubbs 英国 Kings College London Poor Agreement between Responses to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and Objective ..

13. 王俊东 中国 山西农业大学 教授,博士生导师 Exercise Ameliorates Fluoride-induced Anxiety- and Depression-like Behavior in Mice: Role of GABA

14. Melchor,Alvarez-Mon 西班牙 University of Alcala De Henares Gut Microbiota Metabolites in Major Depressive Disorder-Deep Insights into Their Pathophysiological ..

15. Karestan C,Koenen 美国 Harvard University The Long Arm of Mental Health: New Urgency With the COVID-19 Pandemic

16. Laura D,Kubzansky 美国 Harvard University The Long Arm of Mental Health: New Urgency With the COVID-19 Pandemic

17. Shantha M. W,Rajaratnam 澳大利亚 MONASH University Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges, Populations at Risk, Implications, and Oppor..

18. Sally,Hopewell 英国 University of Oxford Cognitive-behavioural therapy for a variety of conditions: an overview of systematic reviews and pan..

19. Robert,Howard 英国 University College London Cognitive-behavioural therapy for a variety of conditions: an overview of systematic reviews and pan..

20. Paul,Stallard 英国 University of Bath Cognitive-behavioural therapy for a variety of conditions: an overview of systematic reviews and pan..








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