

Zhang, Long 北京大学被知名学者引用:31人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 付小兵 中国 解放军总医院 中国工程院院士;2021美国工程院院士 Integrating zinc/silicon dual ions with 3D-printed GelMA hydrogel promotes in situ hai..

2. 付小兵 中国 解放军总医院 中国工程院院士;2021美国工程院院士 Functional hair follicle regeneration: an updated review

3. Waxman, Stephen G. 美国 Yale School of Medicine 1996美国医学院院士 Pediatric Erythromelalgia and SCN9A Mutations: Systematic Review and Single-Center Case Series

4. Waxman, Stephen G. 美国 Yale School of Medicine 1996美国医学院院士 Neuropathic pain in two-generation twins carrying the sodium channel Na(v)1.7 functional variant R11..

5. Boudewijn M.T,Burgering 荷兰 Utrecht University Metabolic rewiring in keratinocytes by miR-31-5p identifies therapeutic intervention for psoriasis

6. 常江 中国 中国科学院 Integrating zinc/silicon dual ions with 3D-printed GelMA hydrogel promotes in situ hai..

7. Mark D. P,Davis 美国 Mayo Clinic - Rochester Erythromelalgia: A Review of Medical Management Options and Our Approach to Management

8. Hamed,Mirzaei 伊朗 Kashan University Medicine Science Evolution of organoid technology: Lessons learnt in Co-Culture systems from developmental biology

9. Acosta, Stefan 瑞典 Lund University Management of Spontaneous Isolated Mesenteric Artery Dissection: A Systematic Review

10. Paul T,Sharpe 英国 Kings College London Scaffold-based developmental tissue engineering strategies for ectodermal organ regeneration

11. Luis,Requena 西班牙 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Assessment of the risk and characterization of non-melanoma skin cancer in Kindler syndrome: study o..

12. Peter H,Itin 瑞士 University of Basel Assessment of the risk and characterization of non-melanoma skin cancer in Kindler syndrome: study o..

13. Jouni,Uitto 美国 Thomas Jefferson University Assessment of the risk and characterization of non-melanoma skin cancer in Kindler syndrome: study o..

14. Moris, Demetrios 美国 Duke University Spontaneous isolated superior mesenteric artery dissection: Systematic review and meta-analysis

15. Sulayman D,Dib-Hajj 美国 Yale University Pediatric Erythromelalgia and SCN9A Mutations: Systematic Review and Single-Center Case Series

16. Elliot K,Fishman 美国 Johns Hopkins University High-Value Multidetector CT Angiography of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: What Emergency Medicine P..

17. 张学军 中国 安徽医科大学 所长 Mutational analysis of epidermal and hyperproliferative type I keratins in mild and moderate psorias..

18. Eleonora,Candi 意大利 University of Roma Tor Vergata Role of the keratin 1 and keratin 10 tails in the pathogenesis of ichthyosis hystrix of Curth Mackli..

19. Gerry,Melino 意大利 University of Roma Tor Vergata Role of the keratin 1 and keratin 10 tails in the pathogenesis of ichthyosis hystrix of Curth Mackli..

20. Masashi,Akiyama 日本 Nagoya University A case of lamellar ichthyosis due to a novel TGM1 mutation associated with Parkinson's disease








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