

方少萌 香港大学被知名学者引用:285人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 宁光 中国 上海交通大学医学院 中国工程院院士 Sex-specific causality of MRI-derived body compositions on glycaemic traits: Mendelian randomization..

2. 宁光 中国 上海交通大学医学院 中国工程院院士 Causal associations of sarcopenia-related traits with cardiometabolic disease and Alzheimer's diseas..

3. Gluckman, Peter D. 新西兰 University of Auckland 2004美国医学院院士 The Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites in Cord Blood Positively Correlate With Early Childhood Adiposity

4. Merzenich, Michael M. 美国 Posit Science Corporation 2008美国医学院院士;1999美国科学院院士 Alertness Training Improves Spatial Bias and Functional Ability in Spatial Neglect

5. Andreas,Reif 德国 University of Frankfurt Exploring weight-related self-monitoring as a potential risk factor for eating disorder symptoms in ..

6. Samuele,Cortese 英国 University of Southampton Excessive body weight in developmental coordination disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

7. Tipton, Michael 英国 University of Portsmouth Inexperienced water users can "Float to Live" in realistic open water conditions

8. Jacques,Duysens 比利时 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven(KU Leuven) The strength of balance: Strength and dynamic balance in children with and without hypermobility

9. Misha,Eliasziw 美国 Tufts University Walking speed questionnaire used to estimate gait speed in older adults: Comparisons with testing pr..

10. Naveed,Sattar 英国 University of Glasgow Genetic Evidence for Distinct Biological Mechanisms That Link Adiposity to Type 2 Diabetes: Toward P..

11. Catherine E,Lang 美国 University of Washington Associations Between Coordination and Wearable Sensor Variables Vary by Recording Context but Not As..

12. Schwartz, Martin Alexander 美国 Yale University Dysregulated cellular metabolism in atherosclerosis: mediators and therapeutic opportunities

13. Klaus,Ley 美国 La Jolla Institute for Immunology Dysregulated cellular metabolism in atherosclerosis: mediators and therapeutic opportunities

14. Andrew J. O,Whitehouse 澳大利亚 University of Western Australia Investigating the impact of developmental coordination difficulties across home, school, and communi..

15. Kristina,Norman 德国 Charite - Medical University of Berlin Correlates of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Differences Between Novel Subtypes in Recent-Onset Diabetes

16. Michael,Roden 德国 University of DUSSELDORF Correlates of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Differences Between Novel Subtypes in Recent-Onset Diabetes

17. Christian,Herder 德国 University of DUSSELDORF Correlates of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Differences Between Novel Subtypes in Recent-Onset Diabetes

18. Keith M,Godfrey 英国 University of Southampton Projected health and economic effects of the increase in childhood obesity during the COVID-19 pande..

19. 王卫庆 中国 上海交通大学医学院 主任医师 Sex-specific causality of MRI-derived body compositions on glycaemic traits: Mendelian randomization..

20. E. Paul,Zehr 加拿大 University of Victoria Using Martial Arts Training as Exercise Therapy Can Benefit All Ages








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