

李丽华 江苏大学被知名学者引用:188人次(黄金会员以上可以申请导出本人论文被全部知名学者引用的数据)

1. 张运 中国 山东大学 中国工程院院士 Smooth muscle NF90 deficiency ameliorates diabetic atherosclerotic calcification in male mice via FB..

2. 陈卫 中国 江南大学 中国工程院院士 Gut microbiota: a superior operator for dietary phytochemicals to improve atherosclerosis

3. 仝小林 中国 中国中医科学院 主任医师 中国科学院院士 Advances in secondary prevention mechanisms of macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellit..

4. 吴皓 美国 Harvard University 2015美国科学院院士 Two sides of the same coin: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atherosclerosis

5. Gerecht, Sharon 美国 Duke University 2019美国医学院院士 The extracellular matrix mechanics in the vasculature

6. 杨宝峰 中国 哈尔滨医科大学 中国工程院院士 CPAL, as a New Mediator of Cardiomyocyte Metabolic Alterations and Pyroptosis, Regulates Myocardial ..

7. Lewis L,Lanier 美国 University of California-San Francisco 2010美国科学院院士 Sex Differences in Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Revealed by scRNA-Seq and CITE-Seq of Human ..

8. Kathryn J. Moore 美国 New York University 2021美国科学院院士 Two birds, one stone: NFATc3 controls dual actions of miR-204 in foam cell formation

9. Ishwarlal,Jialal 美国 VA Medical Center The role of the triglyceride-glucose index as a biomarker of cardio-metabolic syndromes

10. Christopher R,deFilippi 美国 University of Maryland Pitavastatin, Procollagen Pathways, and Plaque Stabilization in Patients With HIV: A Secondary Analy..

11. Pamela S,Douglas 美国 Duke University Pitavastatin, Procollagen Pathways, and Plaque Stabilization in Patients With HIV: A Secondary Analy..

12. Steven K,Grinspoon 美国 Harvard University Pitavastatin, Procollagen Pathways, and Plaque Stabilization in Patients With HIV: A Secondary Analy..

13. Judith S,Currier 美国 University of California Los Angeles Pitavastatin, Procollagen Pathways, and Plaque Stabilization in Patients With HIV: A Secondary Analy..

14. Judith A,Aberg 美国 ICAHN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT MOUNT SINAI Pitavastatin, Procollagen Pathways, and Plaque Stabilization in Patients With HIV: A Secondary Analy..

15. Ronald A,Ghossein 美国 Memorial SLOAN KETTERING Cancer Center Targeted RNA sequencing in diagnostically challenging head and neck carcinomas identifies novel M..

16. Marc,Ladanyi 美国 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Targeted RNA sequencing in diagnostically challenging head and neck carcinomas identifies novel M..

17. Edward A,Fisher 美国 New York University Chronic inflammation and vascular cell plasticity in atherosclerosis

18. Joseph M,Miano 美国 Augusta University Chronic inflammation and vascular cell plasticity in atherosclerosis

19. Tintut, Yin 美国 University of California LOS ANGELES Advanced Imaging Techniques for Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Calcification in Animal Models

20. Kurt R,Stenmark 美国 University of Colorado Honokiol and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Improve Exercise Endurance in Pulmonary Hypertensive ..








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