Zhuk I. V.,Dmitriev A. P.,Lisova G. M.,Kucherova L. O.
Aim. The aim is to research the ability of enhancing ferulic acid effect as a biotic elicitor to induce tolerance of winter wheat plants against Septoria tritici Rob et Desm. leaf blotch infection by addition donor of NO signal molecule. Methods. Content of endogenous H2O2 was measured in wheat leaves (cv. Oberig myronivskij and Svytanok myronivskij). The extent of disease development, morphometric parameters and yield structure were analyzed. Results. It is shown that combination of treatment by ferulic acid with NO donor reduced the disease symptoms on 1–2 points. The level of endogenous hydrogen peroxide increased on 27 % in cv. Svytanok myronivskij. Conclusions. The data obtained suggest that combination of ferulic acid with donor NO could be used as more effective combination than biotic elicitor. They decreased the degree of lesions in leaf area caused by Septoria tritici Rob et Desm. leaf blotch infection and stimulated the growth of wheat plants. The analyze of biochemical mechanisms revealed that system resistance of wheat plants is induced via activation of antioxidant protection. Keywords: ferulic acid, NO, biotic elicitors, induced resistance, Triticum aestivum L., Septoria tritici Rob et Desm.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics (NAS Ukraine)
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