Influencing Smartphone Choices: The Interplay of Social Media Marketing and Brand Image on Purchase Intentions


Alharthey Bandar Khalaf


This research study endeavors to shed light on intricate dynamics between Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, and Purchase Intention within unique socio-cultural landscape of Saudi Arabia. The primary aim of this investigation is to explore and analyze how social media marketing strategies deployed by businesses operating in Saudi Arabia impact brand image and, in turn, influence consumers' purchase intentions. While extensive research has explored these relationships in various global settings, a significant research gap exists regarding their specific manifestation in the Saudi Arabian context. In order to address this gap, we conducted a quantitative study employing PLS-SEM Smart PLS software as our data processing tool. We focused on Millennial Smartphone Consumers in Saudi Arabia, a crucial demographic known for its active engagement on social media platforms. Data were collected through online questionnaires distributed to 234 Millennial Smartphone Consumers in Saudi Arabia. The research design addresses several key objectives: first, the exploration of direct relationship between SMM and BRI; second, the examination of the relationship between SMM and PIN; third, the analysis of the relationship between BRI and PIN; and fourth, the assessment of the relationship between SMM and PRI, with BRI serving as a mediator. However, it is vital to recognize certain limitations in our research. This study's focus on a specific demographic, namely Millennial Smartphone Consumers, may not fully represent the broader consumer population. The implications of our findings are significant for businesses operating in Saudi Arabia. By tailoring social media marketing strategies to resonate with local consumer base and considering influence of culture and societal norms, marketers can enhance brand image and influence purchase intentions effectively. Our study has practical implications for businesses and provides a valuable reference for future research and the development of targeted marketing strategies in this region.


African - British Journals


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology

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