Q. M. Guilamba,,E. L. Cavele,,J. S. Manguele,,S. S. Chemane,,E. O. Simbine-Ribisse,
Sclerocarya birrea (marula) and Strychnos spinosa (massala) are fruits with high nutritional value but which are underutilized. Processing jam is an alternative for diversifying consumption and preserving these fruits. This study aimed to produce and characterize the mixed jam (marula and massala pulp). Three mixed jam formulations were defined, and the best one was selected. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were conducted. The microbial stability of the jam was assessed over 84 days of storage at room temperature. Results of physicochemical analyses of jam were pH: 3.44, acidity: 2.86%, vitamin C: 45.57 mg/100g, soluble solids: 67.71 ºBrix, ash: 0.89%, fibers: 0.32%, lipids: 0.39%, moisture: 21%, protein: 0.92% and carbohydrates: 76.48%. Microbial growth in the jam was only observed on the 84th day, with low counts of aerobic bacteria (3×102 CFU/g), molds, and yeasts (10 CFU/g). The raw material was of good quality and the mixed jam is a safe product.
African - British Journals
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