Introduction: English as a Second Language (ESL) proficiency has become
vital for global communication and essential in education. On the other hand,
motivation, defined as the internal drive to engage with enthusiasm, plays a
pivotal role in language acquisition. However, motivating ESL learners is a
critical challenge for educators, as English is recognized as an international
language with broad applications. Therefore, understanding the importance
of motivation is crucial in ESL contexts.
Objective: The objective of this review is to examine motivational strategies
in ESL classrooms and underscore their significance in enhancing students’
enthusiasm, participation, language development, and overall success, with
a specific focus on providing ESL educators with valuable tools and insights
for effective implementation.
Methodology: This review follows a methodical approach including
literature search and data extraction. Twenty articles published between
1975 and 2022 were reviewed, which focused on motivation strategies in ESL
Results: Motivation in ESL classrooms can be categorized as internal or
external: instrumental or integrative. Effective motivation strategies include
setting clear goals, employing the incentive theory, using awards and
rewards, role-plays, integrating technology, and activity-based methods.
Additionally, creating a positive classroom climate and offering real-life
language experiences also contribute to motivation.
Conclusion: Motivation is crucial for ESL learners’ success; therefore, it
is recommended that educators adopt innovative teaching approaches and
deepen their understanding of motivation to inspire students, contributing to
enhanced language proficiency.
Reference21 articles.
1. Alfahad, R.M. (2021). Gamifying the CREW: Effects of collaborative responsive writing using gamification. L2 International Students' Motivation and Academic Vocabulary Achievement.
2. Alghonaim, A.S. (2021). Intrinsic motivation and speech production in Saudi EFL college students. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(5), 1137-1157.
3. Altun, M., & Khdhir, S.A. (2022). Arousing students: Motivation in ESL classrooms; Increasing and enhancing participation, interaction and production. International Journal of Social Sciences and Educational Studies, 9(2), 111-123.
4. Cave, P.N., Evans, N.W., Dewey, D.P., & Hartshorn, K.J. (2018). Motivational partnerships: Increasing ESL student self-efficacy. ELT Journal, 72(1), 83-96.
5. Chundiao, H. (1990). The English Teaching and Learning Methods. Higher Education Press.