1. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840-3123
Experiments to determine heat transfer coefficients and friction factors are conducted on a stationary 45 deg parallel rib-roughened square channel, which simulates a turbine blade internal coolant passage. Copper plates fitted with silicone heaters and thermocouples are used to measure regionally averaged heat transfer coefficients. Reynolds numbers studied range from 30,000 to 400,000. The ribs studied have rounded (filleted) edges to account for manufacturing limitations of actual engine blades. The rib height (e) to hydraulic diameter (D) ratio (e/D) ranges from 0.1 to 0.2, while spacing (p) to height ratio (p/e) ranges from 5 to 10. Results indicate an increase in the heat transfer due to the ribs at the cost of a higher friction factor, especially at higher Reynolds numbers. Round-edged ribs experience a similar heat transfer coefficient and a lower friction factor compared with sharp-edged ribs, especially at higher values of the rib height. Correlations predicting Nu and f as a function of e/D, p/e, and Re are presented. Also presented are correlations for the heat transfer and friction roughness parameters (G and R, respectively).
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33 articles.