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4. J.G. Michopoulos, R. Badaliance, T. Chwastyk, L. Gause, P. Mast, C. Farhat and M. Lessoine, Coupled Multiphysics Simulation Of Composite Material Softening In A Virtual Wind Tunnel Environment, Proceedings of Sixth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, Dearborn MI, 1–3 August 2001, pp. 521
5. J.G. Michopoulos, P.W. Mast, R. Badaliance, I. Wolock, Health Monitoring of smart structures by the use of dissipated energy, ASME proc. 93 WAM on Adaptive structures and material systems, G.P. Carman/E. Garcia, eds., (ASME, AD-Vol. 35, 1993) 457–462.