Comprehensive Understanding of Thermally Grown Oxide Morphology Effect on the Thermal Barrier Coatings Failure Under Free Edges


Qiao Da1234,Zeng Wu567


1. Advanced Gas Turbine Laboratory, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100049, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100049, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

3. National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Light-Duty Gas-Turbine , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100049, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

4. Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100049, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

5. Advanced Gas Turbine Laboratory, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

6. National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Light-Duty Gas-Turbine , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China

7. Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China ; , Beijing 100190, China


Abstract The growth stresses induced by the thermally grown oxide (TGO) will be amplified at the free-edge site, making the free-edge site a weak part of the thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). In this study, the TBCs failure behavior is investigated based on different TGO morphologies under free edges. The thermomechanical model is established by creating straight lines and simplified sinusoidal curves, respectively. Dynamic TGO growth is realized by the secondary development of the subroutine. The cohesive element is inserted at the top coat (TC)/TGO interface to simulate the delamination. The stress evolution near different TGO morphologies under the influence of the free edge is examined. In addition, the interfacial cracking behavior near the free edge is also explored. The results show that the appearance of the free edge will deteriorate the stress condition in the nearby area, change the preferred cracking area, and induce the earlier failure behavior. The straight line morphology has the most “friendly” stress distribution. The sinusoidal curves have peaks and valleys, and different areas of the TGO shape are different under the influence of the free edge, but all of them have the effect of stress “convergence.” These results can provide significant guidance to develop the next-generation advanced TBCs.


ASME International







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