A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing


Haapala Karl R.1,Zhao Fu2,Camelio Jaime3,Sutherland John W.4,Skerlos Steven J.5,Dornfeld David A.6,Jawahir I. S.7,Clarens Andres F.8,Rickli Jeremy L.9


1. School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Oregon State University, 204 Rogers Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 e-mail:

2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University, 585 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907 e-mail:

3. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 235 Durham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 e-mail:

4. Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University, 322 Potter Engineering Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907 e-mail:

5. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2250 GG Brown Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 e-mail:

6. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, 6143 Etcheverry Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720 e-mail:

7. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, 414C UK Center for Manufacturing, Lexington, KY 40506 e-mail:

8. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Virginia, D220 Thornton Hall, Charlottesville, VA 22904 e-mail:

9. Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 217 Durham Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 e-mail:


Sustainable manufacturing requires simultaneous consideration of economic, environmental, and social implications associated with the production and delivery of goods. Fundamentally, sustainable manufacturing relies on descriptive metrics, advanced decision-making, and public policy for implementation, evaluation, and feedback. In this paper, recent research into concepts, methods, and tools for sustainable manufacturing is explored. At the manufacturing process level, engineering research has addressed issues related to planning, development, analysis, and improvement of processes. At a manufacturing systems level, engineering research has addressed challenges relating to facility operation, production planning and scheduling, and supply chain design. Though economically vital, manufacturing processes and systems have retained the negative image of being inefficient, polluting, and dangerous. Industrial and academic researchers are re-imagining manufacturing as a source of innovation to meet society's future needs by undertaking strategic activities focused on sustainable processes and systems. Despite recent developments in decision making and process- and systems-level research, many challenges and opportunities remain. Several of these challenges relevant to manufacturing process and system research, development, implementation, and education are highlighted.


ASME International


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Computer Science Applications,Mechanical Engineering,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference213 articles.

1. World Summit Outcome Document;UNEP,2005

2. Gross-Domestic-Product-(GDP)-by-Industry Data;USDOC,2012

3. U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Intensities Over Time: A Detailed Accounting of Industries, Government and Households;USDOC,2010

4. Sustainability Science and Engineering: The Emergence of a New Metadiscipline;Environ. Sci. Technol.,2003

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