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3. Fernando, J., Germain-Gumoc, E., and Rivera, L., 2010, “Test Rig to Model the Heat Transfer in a Turbine Disk Bore Annulus,” Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Team 4271 Final Report.
4. Song, J. W., Newkirk, D., Kanjiyani, S., Gossett, R., and Davis, T., 2011, “Measuring Heat Transfer in Annular Flow Between Co-Rotating or Counter-Rotating Cylinders,” Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Team 4731 Final Report.
5. Al-Abadi, A., Sien, Y. L., Runger, T., GalloM., and Reidy, B., 2012, “Design of Experiments on Honeywell's Rotating Annulus Heat Transfer Rig,” Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Program, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Team 4891 Final Report.