1. Gaz de France, La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex, France
Gas transmission pipe resistance to external damage is a subject of great attention at Gaz de France and in Europe. Existing results cover part of the necessary criteria for the residual life of damaged pipelines, but more knowledge is needed on defect creation.
We propose to complement existing experimental work which is limited to the explored range of parameters by validated numerical models.
The first, simple static denting model aims at optimizing the conditions for calculating the residual stress distribution needed to assess the fatigue life of dents and dents and gouges.
The second, more complex dynamic puncture model calculates both the puncture force and the puncture energy for a given pipe, excavator and tooth geometry.
These models can contribute to enhance the external damage prevention policies of transmission pipeline operators.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Cited by
2 articles.