1. Castelli, M., 1990, NASA-Lewis Research Center, personal communication.
2. Halford, G., 1988, NASA-Lewis Research Center, personal communication.
3. Kerslake, T. W., and Ibrahim, M. B., 1990, “Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage Material with Change-of-Phase Volumetric Effects,” Proceedings of the 12th Annual ASME International Solar Energy Conference, ASME, New York, pp. 315–325 (also NASA TM-102457).
4. NASA-Lewis, 1993, “Solar Dynamic Power System Development for Space Station Freedom,” NASA RP-1310, July.
5. Rubly, R. P., 1991, “Long-term Compatibility of a Cobalt-base Superalloy with Molten LiF-CaF2 Eutectic Composition Salt,” 24th International Metallographic Society, Monterey, CA.