Platoon Control Under a Novel Leader and Predecessor Following Scheme With the Use of an Advanced Aerodynamic Model


Köroğlu Hakan1,Mirzaei Maryam2,Falcone Paolo1,Krajnović Siniša2


1. Department of Signals and Systems, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 41296, Sweden e-mail:

2. Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 41296, Sweden e-mail:


The longitudinal platoon control problem is considered under a leader and predecessor following scheme with a novel velocity-dependent spacing policy. With this spacing policy, the steady-state intervehicle distances increase with increasing cruise velocity and more so for vehicles that are closer to the leader. Since significant changes might be encountered in intervehicle distances during the travel due to the variations in the velocity of the leader, the problem is studied together with a more accurate modeling of aerodynamic effects within a platoon formation. Based on a standard feedback linearization approach, a dynamic output feedback synthesis problem is formulated with two H∞ performance objectives. One of the performance objectives is linked to the string stability of the platoon formation, while the other can be shaped in a way to maintain small spacing errors without aggressive vehicle maneuvers. A synthesis procedure is then outlined based on linear matrix inequality optimization (LMI). The new control scheme is investigated for a three-vehicle platoon by using an advanced aerodynamic model developed based on extensive fluid dynamic simulations. It is observed in this investigation that a desirable platoon operation can be achieved even with a simple aerodynamic model, provided that the controller is designed in a way to ensure good disturbance attenuation. Nevertheless, an accurate modeling of aerodynamic disturbances might be needed especially for the first vehicle after the leader when the cruising velocity varies over a wide range.


Chalmers tekniska högskola


ASME International


Computer Science Applications,Mechanical Engineering,Instrumentation,Information Systems,Control and Systems Engineering

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