1. Beyer, R., 1953, Kinematische Getriebesynthese, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
2. Bottema, O., and Roth, B., 1979, Theoretical Kinematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, New York.
3. Burmester, L., 1886, Lehrbuch der Kinematik, Verlag Von Arthur Felix, Leipzig, Germany.
4. Dimentberg, F. M., 1965, “The Screw Calculus and its Applications in Mechanics,” (in Russian) Moscow. (English trans: AD680993, Clearing house for Federal Technical and Scientific Information, Virginia.)
5. Hall, Allen S., Jr., 1961, Kinematics and Linkage Design, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewoods Cliffs, New Jersey.