1. École Polytechnique de Montréal and Pratt and Whitney Canada 1000 Boulevard Marie-Victorin Longueuil, QC, J4G 1A1, Canada e-mail:
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3. e-mail: École Polytechnique de Montréal 2500 chemin de Polytechnique Montréal, QC, H3T 1J4, Canada
This work investigates the effect of tip clearance size and operating temperature on the predictions of the critical rotor speed at which nonsynchronous vibrations (NSV) can be encountered in a turbine engine axial flow compressor. It has been proposed that the tangential tip clearance flow, observed at high blade loading near stall, can act as an impinging resonant jet on the upcoming blades and could be the underlying physics behind NSV. A model, in the form of an equation to predict the critical blade tip speed at which NSV can occur, was proposed based on the Jet-Core Feedback Theory and was experimentally verified by Thomassin et al. (2008, “Experimental Demonstration to the Tip Clearance Flow Resonance Behind Compressor NSV,” Proceedings of GT2008: ASME Turbo Expo Power for Land, Sea and Air, Berlin, Germany, Jun. 9–13, Paper No. GT2008-50303). In the equation, a factor k that was called the “tip instability convection coefficient” was measured experimentally and found to be influenced by the tip clearance size and operating temperature. This factor has a significant impact on the accuracy of the NSV predictions obtained using the proposed model. This paper propose a numerical experiment to determine the effect of tip clearance size and temperature on k, in order to improve the critical NSV tip speed predictions using the proposed model. A review of the NSV model is presented along with the relevant background theory on the subject. Two different blade geometries are simulated to provide a generic approach to the study. The leakage flow velocity is calculated to estimate k and a correlation is proposed to model the behavior of the k parameter as a function of the tip clearance size. The latter was found to significantly improve the critical NSV speed predictions. The effect of operating temperature on k is also discussed. Finally, the variation of k with the aerodynamic loading is assessed and compared with available data in the literature to strengthen the generic nature of the results.
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15 articles.