Stress Analysis of Cylindrical Webbed Spur Gears: Parametric Study
Kim H. C.1, de Vaujany J. P.1, Guingand M.1, Play D.1
1. Laboratoire de Conception et d’Analyse de Syste`mes Me´caniques, Institut National des Sciences Applique´es de Lyon, 20, Avenue Albert Einstein—69621, Villeurbanne Cedex, France
In this paper, a numerical computer software based on the Finite Prism Method, is proposed in order to design external cylindrical spur gears with a web. It enables computing load sharing, pressure distribution, meshing stiffness and 3D tooth fillet stresses. The software is generally used during the detailed design for optimizing gear meshing. The software is also used to quantify the influences of web design parameters. The process is based on a statistical method: experimental design, that permits studying the influence of parameters. Thus, a simple formula was found in order to estimate the maximum principal stress in the tooth root. The results of the formula were compared with those found in the bibliography. The formula can be useful during the preliminary design for predimensioning webbed spur gears in design department.
ASME International
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design,Computer Science Applications,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials
Reference30 articles.
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