1. Lehrstuhl und Institut fu¨r Thermische Stro¨mungsmaschinen, Universita¨t Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
The influence of Reynolds number and pressure ratio on the operating characteristics of a stepped labyrinth seal was experimentally determined. The geometries investigated represent designs of a stepped labyrinth seal typical for modern jet engines. Heat transfer and discharge measurements were obtained for two plane models with various seal clearances. The experiments covered a range of Reynolds numbers and pressure ratios. Independent variation of Reynolds number and pressure ratio was obtained by adjusting the back pressure at the seal exit for a given pressure ratio. Dimensionless discharge coefficients, describing the sealing performance, were derived from the measured leakage rates. Pressure ratio, Reynolds number, tip geometry, and seal clearance all affected the sealing performance. Finite element calculations were employed to calculate the local heat transfer coefficients from the measured wall and gas temperatures. Averaging of the local values yielded mean heat transfer coefficients and mean Nusselt numbers. The heat transfer was mainly determined by the Reynolds number. Compressibility effects on the heat transfer were observed to be very small.
Reference28 articles.
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36 articles.