1. van Geffen, J. A.
, 1976, “Piercing Tools,” US Patent No. 3,939,683.
2. van Geffen, J. A.
, 1979, “Method and Apparatuses for Forming by Frictional Heat and Pressure Holes Surrounded Each by a Boss in a Metal Plate or the Wall of a Metal Tube,” US Patent No. 4,175,413.
3. van Geffen, J. A.
, 1979, “Rotatable Piercing Tools for Forming Holes Surrounded Each by a Boss in Metal Plates or the Wall of Metal Tubes,” US Patent Number, 4,177,659.
4. van Geffen, J. A.
, 1980, “Rotatable Piercing Tools for Forming Bossed Holes,” US Patent No. 4,185,486.
5. Microstructural Alterations Associated With Friction Drilling of Steel, Aluminum, and Titanium;Miller;J. Mater. Eng. Perform.