1. Assassa, G. M., and Papailiou, K. D., 1979, “An Integral Method for the Calculation of the Separated Turbulent Boundary Layer,” ASME JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING, pp. 110–116.
2. Bonataki, E., Chaviaropoulos, P., and Papailiou, K. D., 1993, “An Inverse Inviscid Method for the Design of Quasi-Three Dimensional Turbomachinery Cascades,” ASME JOURNAL OF FLUID ENGINEERING, Vol. 115, No. 121–127.
3. Bouras, B., Karagiannis, F., Leoutsakos, G., Giannakoglou, K., and Papailiou, K. D., 1991a, “Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations: Background Information,” International Symposium on Numerical Simulations in Turbomachinery, Joint ASME-JSME Fluids Engineering Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA.
4. Bouras, B., Karagiannis, F., Chaviaropoulos, P., and Papailiou, K. D., 1991b, “Arbitrary Blade Section Design Based on Viscous Considerations. Blade Optimization,” International Symposium on Numerical Simulations in Turbomachinery, Joint ASME-JSME Fluids Engineering Meeting, Portland, OR, also in this volume.
5. Bouras, V., 1992, “Integral Method for the Calculation and Optimization of Laminar and Turbulent Shear Layers in the Presence of Flow Separation,” Ph.D. thesis, 1992, Dept. of Mech. Eng., NTUA, Greece.