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2. Capobianco, M., Gambarotta, A., and Cipolla, G., 1990, “Effect of Inlet Pulsating Pressure Characteristics on Turbine Performance of an Automotive Wastegated Turbocharger,” SAE Paper No. 900359.
3. Capobianco, M., and Gambarotta, A., 1993, “Performance of a Twin-Entry Automotive Turbocharger Turbine,” ASME Paper No. 93-ICE-2.
4. Yeo, J. H., and Baines, N. C., 1990, “Pulsating Flow Behavior in a Twin-Entry Vaneless Radial-Inflow Turbine,” I. Mech. E., Paper No. C405/004.
5. Capobianco, M., Gambarotta, A., and Zamboni, G., 1996, “Experimental Characterization of Turbocharging and EGR Systems in an Automotive Diesel Engine,” I. Mech. E., Paper No. C517/027.