The whitefly fauna of the Canary Islands (Spain) comprises 21 named species distributed amongst 12 genera, includingfour species described here—Aleyrodes bencomiae Hernández-Suárez and Martin sp. nov., Aleyrodes laurisilvae Hernán-dez-Suárez and Martin sp. nov., Bemisia euphorbiarum Hernández-Suárez and Malumphy sp. nov. and Bemisia reyesiHernández-Suárez and Martin sp. nov. Nomenclatural changes comprise the four new species, one revalidated species (Si-phoninus finitimus Silvestri stat. rev.), and two revised synonymies (Siphoninus phillyreae multitubulatus Goux becomesa junior synonym of S. finitimus Silvestri and is removed from synonymy with S. phillyreae (Haliday), and the genus Be-misiella Danzig becomes a junior synonym of Asterobemisia Trehan; both the latter genera are removed from synonymywith Bemisia Quaintance & Baker). Also, we have provided detailed discussions and illustrations of eight distinctive pu-parial forms of the Bemisia afer complex with scanning electron microphotographs (SEMs), line drawings and habitusphotographs. In addition to the taxa described and discussed here, there are two new records for the Canary Islands,Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead) and Paraleyrodes minei Iaccarino. For each of the species already known and named priorto this study we include a brief account including its world distribution, its host-plant range in the Canary Islands, andfurther notes on host range beyond the Canaries. The general puparial morphology of each species is illustrated with acombination of line-drawings and habitus photographs. Three appendices are provided—a check list of Canarian white-flies, a table of host plants of whiteflies in the Canary Islands, and lists of examined material for the whitefly species already known and named prior to our study.La fauna de moscas blancas de las Islas Canarias (España) está compuesta por 21 especies distribuidas en 12 géneros, in-cluyendo 4 especies que se describen en el presente trabajo—Aleyrodes bencomiae Hernández-Suárez and Martin sp.nov., Aleyrodes laurisilvae Hernández-Suárez and Martin sp. nov., Bemisia euphorbiarum Hernández-Suárez andMalumphy sp. nov. and Bemisia reyesi Hernández-Suárez and Martin sp. nov. Los cambios nomenclaturales comprendenlas cuatro nuevas especies, la revalidación de una especie (Siphoninus finitimus Silvestri stat. rev.), y la revisión de dossinonimias (Siphoninus phillyreae multitubulatus Goux pasa a ser sinónimo posterior de S. finitimus Silvestri y por tantodeja de ser sinonimia de S. phillyreae (Haliday) y el género Bemisiella Danzig pasa a ser sinónimo posterior de Asterobemisia Trehan dejando por tanto de ser sinonimia de Bemisia (Quaintance & Baker). Por otro lado se proporcionan discu-
Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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